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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Culture,Ethics &and Drugs of abuse in Nursing Pharmacology


Culture,Ethics &and Drugs of abuse in Nursing Pharmacology lecture notes

Controlled Substances

Schedule I
Drugs with high potential for abuse – heroin, cocaine
Schedule II
Drugs with highs potential for abuse but have medical potential – oxycodone, morphine, etc
Schedule III
Less potential for abuse – codeine, propoxyphene
Schedule IV
May cause dependence – lorazepam, diazepam, etc
Schedule V
Limited potential for abuse – codeine in cough preps

Nursing Responsibilities
Double-lock and key
Account for all use and verify counts
Witness and account for all wasting
Limit access to those authorized to administer, prepare, stock narcotics

Know state regulations and state Nurse Practice Act!

Drug Names

Chemical Name – chemical structure
Generic Name – official name
Trade (Brand) Name – company name
Example: furosemide (Lasix)

Pregnancy Categories
A – No risk to fetus. Studies show no fetal harm.
B – No risk in animal studies and well-controlled studies in pregnant women are not available. It is assumed there is little or no risk in pregnant women.
C – Animal studies indicate a risk to the fetus. Controlled studies on women are not available. Risk vs benefit must be weighed. It could be used in life threatening events.
D – A risk to human fetus has been proved. Risk vs benefit must outweigh benefit. It could be used in life threatening conditions.
X – A risk to the human fetus has been proved. Risk outweighs benefit and the drug should be avoided during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Category: Examples of Drugs
A – ?
B – acetaminophen (Tylenol)
C – nifedipine (Procardia)
D – paroxetine (Paxil)
X – atorvastatin (Lipitor)

Culture and Medicine
Family organization
Health care practices
Complimentary practices
Self-medicating practices
Sick role
Mental illness
Health care practitioners
Gender and health care


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Welcome to my blog!I am a nursing student in an accelerated BSN nursing program. This is where i review my nursing classes by putting down nursing lecture notes. I hope you find it useful and thanks for visiting.